Promote healthy citizens by protecting natural, unpolluted environment!
A substancial number of former MPA students and graduates are evaluating the website of EIU and placing comments!
Abba. RUFAEL , Rome, Italy : And it is good dear Meles it is really help full! It is really the demand of our time it will help a lot!
Andria Ghirmay- Khartoum - Ok Malie I’m going through itl
Gezae Samuel, Frankfurt- Germany- Anbibeyo agedasi program yu!
Michael Tesfazghi - Thanks and it is opened now. Excellent work.
Mulugeta Tekle- Toronto, Canada- Hi kemey tikewin tetafiena do? yinbeb yu xubuq!
Mogos Sahle - Kollen - Germany- ክረእያ ጸንሐ ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ መለስ ናይ ብሓቂ ደስ ዘብል ቀጽሎ በስ!
Simon Amine: Wow that's great bro congratulations! Bebiqurub research kedalwo eye!
Somit Blina- USA What a great news,,,definitely will! What I can tell is that people lack in information,,,,and on zoom groups that’s what we trying to bring we invite different people and learn from each other.
Teklesenbet Andom- Edmenton- Canada- ኣምላኽ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ጥራይ ይሃብካ መለስ ኩሉ ሕልምታትካ ሓደ መዓልቲ ብሓይሊ ኣምላኽ ግሁድ ኮይኑ ከም ጸሓይ ብራቕ ከምትርእዮ ጥርጥር የብለይን ኣምላኽ ምሳኻ ይኹን!
Yohana Ghilay - Canada- meles btami tsibuk srah!
Yobiel Ghinbot - Khartoum- Ok btami des zebl eyu! Hji natey technical diploma aloni zkone kors kiwesd entay kigebr yikiel